We’re here to fund research and save lives

We have brilliant minds looking closely at lady parts to fight against the 8 cancers downunder

Every 4 hours a woman dies from gynaecological cancer

If you donate, we can give women hope

We provide grants to Australia’s best and brightest minds so that they can research new ways to screen, treat and cure the 8 gynaecological cancers. This world class research saves lives and gives women hope.

8 lady parts, 8 gynaecological cancers

Let’s look closely at each one

Cancer of the vulva

Vaginal cancer

Cervical cancer

Uterine cancer

Cancer of the fallopian tube

Ovarian cancer

Endometrial cancer

Cancer of the placenta

Don’t be private about your privates

It may be uncomfortable to talk about cancers that affect the female reproductive system, but it’s time they got the attention and funding they deserve. So ditch the embarrassment, join the party and chat about us on social media so that we can fund live-saving research.

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